dinsdag 31 maart 2015

Pixelscrapper Blogtrain April 2015

Hi all,
AAAAAPRILL!! My favorite month of the year. Could be because it's my birthday (which i dont really like that much anymore since i went over my 30th nearly 2 years ago) 
 but mostly because it's officially spring and this year easter is in it!
I need spring! My body needs the nurturing warmth of sunlight and my
spirit needs to get out of the house a bit more.
Right now we have a storm, and it feels like autumn.
I love autumn, but not now. I want Spring!!
Well, theme of this blogtrain is reflections. With an amazing blue/yellow colors.
I had no idea what i was gonna do with it. I started playing around,
designing some pieces that you Always need in a kit,
and then it hit me.
Blue is my mothers favorite color.
As a kid, we would get dressed in blue a lot, there was a lot of blue in the house :)
I made this kit, as a reflection on my mother!
There are some essential parts in here, which might not be of use to anyone, but there is
enough in there to make a layout without the special embellishments, so
i think you can use it :)
I hope you like it :)
It's a little earlier this month, but i have to work tomorrow.
Don't forget to get the other parts, which you can find
here @ pixel scrapper

maandag 9 maart 2015

Spring!! I love it!

Hi all,
It's undeniable. If you look at nature over here in the Netherlands,
it's more then sure that spring has arrived. Yesterday we had a lot of sun, 15 degrees Celsius for temperature, it's sooo nice.
We have all kind of seeds waiting to sprout in little
jars at the windowsill, and the kids love to look at them.
Slowly everyone here is coming out of their wintercocoons and we are all longing for
more Sunshine and more live outdoors.
My husband was doing some long overdue gardenwork, we had some leftover green
lying and drying around from our pumpkin harvest past fall.
A little blackbird was picking up every branch my husband pulled away. She is
building her nest.. With dry pumpkinbranches whihi!
Well, they did became very dry and actually pretty soft, a little like raffia!
I love that we sort of helped her build her nest!
I joined the colorchallenge in the studio's this month. The theme was joyful.
But i just needed to do a spring/easterkit. I do not have time to do it later in the month
and i think it's time :)
I wish Spring may come soon, to you all on the northern Hemisphere!
Love, Soro

dinsdag 3 maart 2015

QP march Blogtrain pixelscrapper

Hi all,
I forgot to upload the quickpage i made to test my kit for the pixelscrapper
I really liked it and so i decided to share it with you all!
Hope you like it too!
Look how cute that looks!!
This baby is not mine, i used this photo from la bella baby photography.
Anyhow, here's the dl link for the qp.